What is the Ocean CleanX?
The OceanCleanX is the ultimate automated solution to efficiently geo-reference & extract pollution from the environment.
It combines Internet of Things (IoT), Unmanned Platforms (drones) with Artificial Intelligence (Machine-Learning).
Our sustainable solution generates a live recognition of marine pollution and uses automated platforms to remove coastal littering.
Project Presentation at the United Nations
Next 'S-T-E-P'?
S - Social
We use social media traction to build the world's biggest training data set of identified coastal litter.
T - Technology
We use Machine-Learning to train computers to detect pollution in the environment.
E - Environment
We deploy the world's first automated waste identification & removal platform (Machine-Learning algorithm onboard Unmanned Vehicles).
P - Public Awareness
We provide each stakeholder a real-time personalized feedback of their contribution to pollution removal.
How can you help?
We need your help!
We always need more Volunteers to help us grow our project!
Feel free to reach out using our contact form
We are hiring!
Check out all available positions on the OceanX Group Website: www.OceanXGroup.com.au
Tagging pollution all around the world
Limitless Options
Our Social Actions also include:
- Raising awareness: Providing Key Conferences and Public Speaking interventions to inform about the water pollution issue
- Pollution Removal Innovative actions to increase problem knowledge, provide immediate impact and raise the interest of the Young community (Yarra River Clean Up, O’Bike Fishing Operations).
- Developing innovative Technology for Real-time pollution monitoring and automate pollution removal using Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things.
- Inspire: Interviewing Ocean Innovators around the world through Podcasts and video interviews to inspire Millennials to become the next generation of Ocean Entrepreneurs.